As parents, we often want to encourage our kids to get active and moving. Often times that comes in the form of sports. I believe there are tons of lessons children can learn from team and individual sports! Things like endurance, sportsmanship, teamwork, agility, dedication, cause and effect and the list goes on and on! Often times we don’t think about what sports teach kids about themselves and their families. Things like us attending the game or not can make the child feel important or … [Read more...]
How To Get Your Kids Moving Daily
Sometimes when we are trying to add a new element to our children’s lives it can be a bit nerve racking, especially if we feel like we live a super busy life. We sometimes go into an overwhelm mode of “How do I fit it all in?” mindset. As a mom of ONE toddler I get that way sometimes and can only imagine how it feels for a parent of multiple kiddos. Today, I am going to share a few strategies to get your kids moving on a daily basis. It doesn’t matter how many kiddos you have or if it’s raining … [Read more...]
4 Ideas To Get Your Kids Active While Stuck Inside
We are starting to get to the time of the year where the weather is a bit unpredictable. We’re destined for cooler days and rain from out of nowhere. Even though it may not be the best environment to have the kiddos outside to get active, there is still definitely a need for that! When kids stay active during the cooler months of the year, it allows them to stay fit, but it also lessens the gap of specific athletic skills lost. Here are four ways to get your kids active and moving while … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Encourage Your Kids to Get Active
As an active mom, I often wonder what my little one will enjoy as she gets older. Secretly, I hope she likes to run and/or cycle. Where my husband is, not so secretively, hoping she enjoys swimming or soccer! But really when it comes down to it, we want to enable her to experience many activities and decide for herself what brings her joy. Instead of being forceful, we want to allow her to explore and discover herself. Figure out what she likes and dislikes. So the question may then be, “How do … [Read more...]
Valentine’s Day Movement Activity
Looking to incorporate Valentine's Day into your movement activities for your kids? This Find The Hearts game can work inside or outside and is sure to get your kids moving! While doing this activity it can serve as color and number reviews, as well as fine motor skills practice! How To Play: 1. Print out printable below. 2. Cut hearts out. (If you are cutting them out for younger kids you can review colors and counting. Older kids can cut them out themselves.) 3. Place hearts … [Read more...]
Running Is Totally For Me
Today, I wanted to take some time to share with you why running is totally for me. I know it's not for everyone, but it is for me! In college, I picked up running as a means to keep off the “freshman 15”. Honestly, I hated it! Running a mile or two was torture! While in college my uncle passed away from cancer which gave me enough motivation to do a 5K that was raising money for cancer patients. After that race I was hooked! I realized running could be used for good causes and I became … [Read more...]
Ball Throw & Measure
Please Note: This activity corresponds directly to the book "Running Is Totally For Me". Prepare: Gather different sports balls, a measuring tape and a writing utensil. Print the below printable activity sheet. Play: Mark a standing line. Have the child stand and throw each of the balls. Measure how far each ball is from the start. Discuss which ball is closest and furthest from the start line and why they think that happened. Have the child record their answers on the activity … [Read more...]
Verb Actions
Please Note: This activity corresponds directly to the book "Running Is Totally For Me". Prepare: Review with your child the difference between nouns (people, places, objects) and verbs (action words). Together come up with verbs that they can read that describe movements within the sports from the book. (Ex: jump, hop, spin, walk, twist) Write one word per index card. You can also use the provided printable cards below. Play: The child draws an index card, reads the word and performs … [Read more...]
Dice Movements
Please Note: This activity corresponds directly to the book "Running Is Totally For Me". Prepare: Print the printables below. Use the blank template to allow your child to draw their own pictures of each activity that was in the book on each side of the dice. Or use the provided template that includes pictures. Cut and tape to create dice. Play: Have your child roll the dice. They will then make moves with their body that replicates that activity. Ex: Mimic dribbling the ball for … [Read more...]