Bring Cassie To Your School, Play Date or Race Event!
There are three primary programs that can be done when Cassie is brought in. However, we can discuss other possibilities to meet your needs. Contact us at for more information.
- Book Reading: This program is designed for the younger age groups. The author reads the story while engaging the students in an interactive way. The reading is followed by an age appropriate movement song and activity corresponding with the book. The author will then have time for questions.
- Author Study: This program would fit the needs of older students. The author shares the story which is then followed by an age appropriate discussion on the book writing process. Topics include- brainstorming, using reference resources, synonyms, rhyming words, working with an illustrator and more. This program ends with a Q&A session to enable the students to connect further with the author.
- PE Reading: This program is designed just for Physical Education settings. The author guides the students through movements as she reads the book. The reading is then followed by a discussion about fitness, health and sports. Afterwards the program is wrapped up with the author instructing and participating in a gross motor whole group activity.
You can download this informational PDF to share with someone else.
Bring Cassie To Speak!
These events are typically for adult audiences. If you are interested in having Cassie speak please reach out to us at
- Author Seminars
- Teacher Workshops
- Blogging Events
Get Coaching From Cassie!
One-on-one coaching with Cassie is offered on limited basis. She offers her professional and personal experience to guide you through your journey and to your goals. Coaching is available on several topics. Reach out to if you are interested to learn more.
- Teacher Coaching- How To Incorporate Gross Motor Into Everyday
- Stay At Home Mom Coaching- How To Manage A Family & Educational Time
- Self Publishing Author Journey- How To Do More Than Write A Book